Want to buy good fruits, these tricks will come in your work
Many fruits are such that it is difficult to understand whether they are ripe or not. But today we will tell you some such small trips so you can easily know whether the fruit is ripe or not.
Angur- If the color of the black thumb is light and it is hard to break, it means it is cooked.
Banana - When the banana has a light-colored black or brown mark and the peel becomes slightly soft then it is cooked.
Strawberry- If the strawberry is light red and does not contain stains and sweet aroma, then strawberry is cooked.
Watermelon- When the hollow sound comes when playing melon, then understand that watermelon has been cooked.
Mango - It is very easy to recognize cooked mangoes. When the sweet aroma starts coming out from the mango, then take a common puag.
Apple-cooked apple shines and its color is light. At the same time it is a little soft.
Coconut - When the hollow sound starts coming when playing coconut, then understand that coconut is cooked.
Pomegranate - There will be heavyness in good and baked pomegranate.
Papaya- When the skin of the papaya becomes red and yellow, it gets cooked.
These are on research claims. ABP News does not confirm this. Before you start any suggestion or start treatment, take the advice of your expert.
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