Not only women, men can also eat contraception pill - Lifestyle


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Sunday 22 April 2018

Not only women, men can also eat contraception pill

Not only women, men can also eat contraception pill

To avoid unwanted pregnancy, women only eat contraception pills. But now it will also be available for contraceptive men. We are not saying this, but such research has been done in a research. Know, what does research say?

female side effects
New Delhi: To avoid unwanted pregnancy at women, only women eat contraception pills. But now it will also be available for contraceptive men. We are not saying this, but such research has been done in a research. Know, what does research say?

What does the research-
According to research, present contraceptive pill for women in the market will no longer be available tablets soon to men. Researchers have discovered a compound that can control the sperm movement.

What is this compound -
this is the compound called EP 055, which relaxes the sperm movement and does not even affect the hormone. This compound can reduce the efficiency of fertilization. The use of this compound can also be used to make the pill of detention even for men, which could prove to be effective for population control.

These contraceptives are for
men - condoms and sterilization methods are currently available for men. This research, published in Journal PLOS One, has claimed that a male-tablet can be made from this compound which will prove to be effective in controlling birth rate and it will not have any side effects.

Research on what - at
present, it was used on male monkeys, in which no side effects were found.

Meri Jelinsky of the Oregon National Primate Research Center, located at Oregon Health and Science University of America, says that after 18 days of use, all langurs were found to be fully improved symptoms.

These are on research claims. ABP News does not confirm this. Before you start any suggestion or start treatment, take the advice of your expert.

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