World Asthma Day 2018: Hop on to these 5 diet suggestions for Asthma free living - Lifestyle


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Tuesday 1 May 2018

World Asthma Day 2018: Hop on to these 5 diet suggestions for Asthma free living

World Asthma Day 2018: Hop on to these 5 diet suggestions for Asthma free living

On World Asthma Day today, here we provide you with useful and smart diet recommendations to ensure that you live longer and keep that Asthma at bay

“India has an estimated 1.5-2 crore asthmatics and rough estimates indicate its prevalence between 10% and 15% in 5-11-year-old children,” says Dr. MK Gupta, senior allergy and asthma specialist at AANCH Hospital.
In a country where about 2 crore people are suffering from a breathing disease, it gets very important to take measures in the right direction to survive for the better part of your life. A balanced diet, normal exercise, and stress-free environment make the most of healthy living. We know you will take care of the exercise and stress levels, so on World Asthma Day today, here we provide you with useful and smart diet recommendations to ensure that you live longer and keep that Asthma at bay.

Vitamin D is a Must

Adding the most important Vitamin D in your diet surely helps maintain a distance from Asthma. Source of Vitamin D can be milk, fortified milk, salmon, orange juice and eggs. 
India Tv - World Asthma Day 2018: Hop on to these 5 diet suggestions for Asthma free living
World Asthma Day 2018: Hop on to these 5 diet suggestions for Asthma free living

Add Garlic and Onion

Most Indians already put a lot of garlic and onion in their foods, but if you’re asthmatic and still not consuming it, we would recommend starting this very minute. Onion is rich in thiosulphates with anti-inflammatory properties with direct effects on Asthma. When nature is giving you its own anti-asthmatic remedies, why go for the pills?

Treat it with Turmeric

This is no news that Turmeric is one ingredient with many health benefits. One of the many powers of this special component is to keep you clear of Asthma. The most effective way of taking this yellow root spice is by adding it in water with a pinch of black water and drink it. It will definitely help you fight bronchial asthma.

Keep Away from Chilled Water

We understand your need to consume chilled water when the temperature is soaring high but we would advise against it. Drinking cold water or eating cold food will tighten the airways and will leave you coughing and sneezing.
India Tv - World Asthma Day 2018: Hop on to these 5 diet suggestions for Asthma free living
World Asthma Day 2018: Hop on to these 5 diet suggestions for Asthma free living

Fruits and Vegetables

Well, Fruits and Vegetables are answers to every problem. Fruits like berries and long leafy greens like spinach contain Vitamin C which is essential for an Asthmatic patient. They have the most protective effect.
World Asthma Day is being celebrated on the first Tuesday of May every year since 1998. Every year it has different themes, this year it is ‘Allergy and Asthma’ – dedicated to the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of asthma

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