From eye to stomach diseases: Bermuda grass, an ancient cure for all ailments - Lifestyle


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Sunday, 18 February 2018

From eye to stomach diseases: Bermuda grass, an ancient cure for all ailments

From eye to stomach diseases: Bermuda grass, an ancient cure for all ailments

Acharya Balkrishan of the Haridwar-based Patanjali Ayurvedic has listed ailments which can be cured by Bermuda grass

We know you can cure piles, skin disease, problems related to the eyes, uterus, leprosy, bleedings and gynaecological problems through the allopathic treatment, but what would be better than curing it through natural and simple way? Did you know that the ancient cure for majority of ailments lies in Bermuda grass, which offers equal if not better relief.
"For thousands of years, the medicinal and clinical properties rinsed out of Bermuda grass have been used in Ayurveda and Sidha Medicine," said Acharya Balkrishan of the Haridwar-based Patanjali Ayurvedic.Sacred to Lord Ganesha, widely revered in the Hindu pantheon of gods and goddesses as the remover of obstacles, the patron of arts and sciences, Lord of intellect and wisdom, Bermuda grass also goes by the name of Durva, Kusha, Doob in Hindi. It is grown in Hindu households where Lord Ganesh or Ganapathi is the worshipped deity.
Acharya Balkrishan has listed the following ways to treat various ailments:
Piles: Make a paste of the Panchang of the grass and take it with curd. Make paste of leaves and apply on anus. It will be useful for treatment of piles.
Bleeding Piles: Take cow ghee and mix it with an extract of this grass and apply on the affected part to get relief.
Problem related to urination: Make tea of roots of this grass and drink 30 ml in sips.
Headaches: Take equal quantity of grass and lime and make a paste with water. Apply paste on the forehead and get instant relieve.
Eye diseases: Make a paste of Durva and apply on eyelids. This will be very useful in stopping dirt coming out of the eyes.
Stomach-related diseases: Intake of five gram of Durva Panchang and water is very useful to control vomiting.
Diarrhoea: Drink extract of fresh Durva grass is useful in controlling diarrhoea

Reproductive system diseases:

Raktapradar: Mix powder of white sandal and rock sugar in the juice of the grass and give the intake to the patient. It will be very useful.
Miscarriage: The use of this grass is very useful. It also gives strength and nutrition to uterus. White grass reduces both sperm and sexual prowess.
Nose-related problems: Take pomegranate flower extract and mix it with Durva grass extract. Pour one to two drops in nostrils. If one smells Durva Panchang Swaras, it will be very useful. Drop one to two drops of Durva Swaras in nostrils to prevent instant bleeding.
Mouth-related sores: If one rinses one's mouth with Durva tea, it can be very useful in curing mouth ulcers.

Skin diseases:

Visarpa: If one takes ghee treated with Durva extract, it is very useful for curing sores. You can also take Durva Kalka and oil to apply on the sore for useful results. 

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